
Monday, March 6, 2017

Costuming for Drinking Habits 2

Wolf Creek Theater
I grew up in a fanatically Catholic household. Rosaries and chapel veils were an important part of my childhood. Though I have since rejected much of those practices, my memory of the rituals are vivid. 

The Wolf Creek Players latest production, Drinking Habits 2, is my first production with 100% of the costumes of my creation. Many are from my own drafted patterns. Priest's cassocks, monk's robes and nun's habits (among others) were my challenge for this production, a romantic farcical comedy by Tom Smith. Needless to say, this production evoked memories of confessionals and genuflection. Stay tuned for a tutorial on drafting a wimple and gimp. 

If you are in Iowa, or plan to be at the end of March or the beginning of April, please consider purchasing a ticket for a bit of levity and sacrilege (all in good humor).


  1. Congratulations on being the Costume Maven! The play looks like fun! :-D

    1. Thanks Deb. It has been a good kind of challenge and fun at the same time. A good group of people to work with too!
